The Importance of Good Design

Compelling content that hits its target is the most important component of a high-performing blog. But without good supporting design, that amazing review or new product can be diminished, or worse, never even seen. A clean, attractive design for your blog is an important contributor to establishing legitimacy and increasing readership, bringing the following benefits to the overall impact of your blog.

Positive Reading Experiences

Good design serves a specific function. In the case of a blog design, it should give the reader a more pleasurable and satisfying experience by providing high levels of readability and straightforward navigation, as well as demonstrating commitment to user satisfaction on your part as the blog creator.

Enhanced Content Presentation

Design enhances things. The idea of a quality blog design is to make good content even better by enhancing the presentation of your content while still remaining completely functional. It can make text easier to read, highlight areas to grab attention, and give you control over how your readers will digest your content.

Brand Reinforcement

Blog design isn’t just about “making things pretty.” It’s also about reinforcing your brand so that readers are left with a positive image of you and your company.

Device Agnosticism

A well-designed blog features responsive design, meaning it displays in an attractive, readable format no matter which device the user chooses.

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